If we talk about time. Time is a part of one way trip, once we experience one thing, there is no chance to go back and restart something that already happened. The story turn to be different if we have ability to travel in time, go back in time to revise or re-do something that incorrectly done. Tim has that ability. Tim (Domhnall Gleeson) is informed by his father that every man in his family would have the ability to travel back in time after they turn into 21.

This movie is directed by Richard Curtis, and released in November 2013. This is a new form of drama-fantasy-romance movie. The conflict of this movie is not merely about man and woman, this is about the whole family.When he turns 21, Tim is told by his father that he has the ability to travel back in time, he just need to go to a dark place, close his eyes, make a clinch on his fist, and imagine the time he wants to go back and buuum. Tim tries his ability for the first time after new year celebration, he uses his ability to make his new year eve better, and he success. After that, his journey begins.

Tim has a sister, she is called Kit Kat (Lydia Wilson), someday Kit Kat brings in her friend Charlotte (Margot Robbie) to stay for summer holiday, Tim in love with Charlotte, he tries so hard to get her, travel back in time to declare his feeling, but until the summer is over, he cannot get Charlotte. Finally Tim is realized that travel back in time cannot make someone love you.

Lesson Number One: All the time traveling in the world can’t make someone love you. -Tim-

Tim’s live journey is continued when he goes to London to get a job and a girlfriend. Someday after work Tim’s work mate ask him to go on a blind date in a blind cafe. Shortly, Tim fall in love with a girl he met on a blind cafe, and planning on build a relationship with her, the girl’s name is Mary (Rachel McAdams) , she is a big fan of Kate Moss. When he gets home, his father friends, a drama show director,  who actually the owner of the house he stays while he is in London. His name is Harry (Tom Hollander), his newest drama shows is failed because of the actor forget the last line of the drama. At that time, Tim decides to travel back in time when the show  is about to begin, he helps the actor to remember the line, and the drama shows is ended successfully.

We’re all traveling through time together, every day of our lives. All we can do is do our best to relish this remarkable ride.  -Tim-

Besides the successful drama, Tim look out for Mary’s phone number in his phone, and it is gone. It means that the meeting between Tim and Mary in Blind Cafe is never happen. Watch the full movie if you want to know the story of Tim and Mary, and how Tim relationship with his family.

Tim and his father (Bill Nighy)

Tim and his father (Bill Nighy)

In my personal opinion, this is a new form of romantic movie, the travel back in time stuffs and all of the rule above it make the story original. The emphasizing on man and father relationship also give a plus value for this movie. This movie is really worth to watch. A simple story, but this movie will gave a beautiful scar on your heart.